Tag Archives: affirmations

Three Steps to Enjoying Your Journey


So many times we get caught up in the destination and forget to enjoy what really matters.  The present is truly all that we have.  It doesn’t matter about the past.  Though we may have keepsakes, pictures, and mental memories to hold on to, we only really have this moment because that is all that is real.  Here are some steps that I will try and can also help you enjoy your journey:

  1. Slow Down and Breathe- Sometimes taking a deep breath can help you relieve stress, but also help you to realize exactly where you are.  How many times do you “unengage” in activities?  We drive to and from home without even thinking about the drive, we mindlessly eat our meals, and we have learned to tune out the people that we interact with, who are more than likely the people we are closest to. Practice slowing down to fully engage in your daily activities.
  2. Laugh- Humor is medicine for the soul.  Make it a habit to find the humor in daily life.  Laughing can relieve stress and also prevent it.  Take time to laugh.  If you have trouble finding the humor in your life, read funny stories, listen to your favorite comedian, or watch comedies.  Remember that life is to short to spend the all little time you have crying and stressing out.
  3. Love-Open yourself up to give love and to receive it.  Start with yourself and then work this out with the people that are near and dear to you.  They are here to be loved, and you are here to be loved.

Posted by on December 2, 2014 in Uncategorized


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Escaping Negativity

When I find myself in a place where there is extreme negativity, I can only ask God why. This negativity can come in the form of people, circumstances, and even things (i.e. drugs and alcohol).  Why am I here at this particular moment? What is it that he wants me to learn and experience at this time?

When I was working my way out of my own pit, I was surrounded by constant negative things and people.  So many people were using me and I was allowing it.  I was so uncomfortable that I was not allowing myself to be myself.  I was not allowing myself to have and live by my own standards.  I was allowing the negativity to take away my dignity.

It wasn’t until I realized that I was not my circumstances, that I began to redefine my standards and regain my dignity.  There are two types of people in this world; the givers and the takers, the negative and the positive, the dark and the light.  Who are you at this particular moment?  Who do you want to be and what are your standards?

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Posted by on November 18, 2012 in Inspiration


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Embrace the Present


“Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? what could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you.”

Ekhart Tolle

I have often found myself impatiently striving to change my life, only to end up frustrated with my lack of ability to conquer God. There is no way that I will ever win if I’m competing with God!

Regardless of what we are sometimes led to believe, we are not magicians. We can’t just wave a magic wand or repeat some chant that will instantly change our circumstances, but what we can do is surrender. We can stop fighting with nature and allow it to take its course. Anything other than this will cause chaos, self-destruction, and pain.

Naturally, I love autumn, and aside from the holidays, I can barely stand winter because of its cold weather.
As humans, we don’t slump into a deep depression because of the season change, instead we have learned to make the necessary changes to assure comfortable contentment.
This is the cause of unhappiness. People are unhappy because they are not where they want to be in life, either physically, mentally, emotionally, even circumstantially.
Think about what it is that has you stressed out and down and out. Once you realize that by surrendering to to the present moment, you are not
giving up, but instead saying yes to life and all of its many opportunities that will lead you to your perfect path. You are making a conscious decision to allow nature to take its course. You are choosing to trust God.

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Posted by on November 18, 2012 in Inspiration


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